Adding a Custom Widget Type

Registering a custom Widget with SvelteCMS requires creating a plugin and an associated Svelte component. The sveltecms/plugins/checkboxes plugin has been created as an example.


The plugin should include the widgetTypes key, with an array of WidgetType objects.

Example: sveltecms/plugins/checkboxes/index.ts

import type { CMSPlugin } from "sveltecms";
import CheckboxText from "./CheckboxText.svelte";

export const plugin:CMSPlugin = {
  id: 'checkboxes',
  widgetTypes: [
      id: 'checkbox-text',
      description: 'Replaces the standard HTML checkbox input with a text-based input that should scale.',
      widget: CheckboxText,
      fieldTypes: ['boolean'],
      optionFields: {
        falseText: {
          type: 'text',
          size: '1',
          default: '☐',
          helptext: 'Character to show when the checkbox is not checked.',
        trueText: {
          type: 'text',
          size: '1',
          default: '☑︎',
          helptext: 'Character to show when the checkbox is not checked.',
        fontSize: {
          type: 'number',
          default: 150,
          helptext: 'The relative size of the checkbox text, as a percentage.',
          widget: {
            type: 'number',
            options: {
              min: 10,
              max: 500,
              step: 5,
        labelBeforeCheckbox: {
          type: 'boolean',
          default: false,
          helptext: 'Render the text label before the checkbox element in HTML markup.',

export default plugin

Svelte Component


The Svelte component used for the Widget will receive the following properties when it is used:

  • cms: The full SvelteCMS instance. Rarely needed for custom Widgets.
  • field: The Field object. Necessary for:
    • disabled and required attributes of the visible input
    • the <label> for the form element
  • id: The ID string of the element. Necessary for:
    • the name attribute of whatever input is bound to the value
  • value: The value of the field, which is passed to SvelteCMS as a bound property, i.e. with bind:value.
    • The value must be bound with bind:value to an actual element, even if it is only <input type="hidden" name="{id}">, or form entry will be broken if submitted to an endpoint.

If your widget has options defined with the optionFields property on the WidgetType definition in the plugin, then you can use them in your Svelte component:

let opts:{property:string} = field.widget.options


The minimum HTML for a Widget should include an HTML input within a label, with the field’s actual label rendered in a <span>. The field.required and field.disabled properties must be implemented, and the exported value and id variables must be bound to an input.


Example: sveltecms/plugins/checkboxes/CheckboxText.ts

<script lang="ts">
import type { WidgetField } from 'sveltecms'

  export let field:WidgetField
  export let id:string

  export let value = field.default

  let opts:{
  } = field.widget.options

  function toggle() { if (!field.disabled) value = !value }


  {#if opts?.labelBeforeCheckbox}
    <span on:click={toggle}>{field.label}</span>
  <i style:font-size="{opts?.fontSize ?? 100}%" on:click={toggle}>
    {#if value}
      {opts?.trueText || ''}
      {opts?.falseText || ''}
  {#if !opts?.labelBeforeCheckbox}
    <span on:click={toggle}>{field.label}</span>

  i { display:inline-block; font-style:normal; line-height:inherit; }